Saturday, January 27, 2007

Blog? No Way!

Day one with a blog, and already I'm having trouble thinking up what to write down. I was thinking I would just talk about random things, but that's boring, even to me. I had a teacher who said that blogging was the most pointless thing she'd ever seen in her life, and I kind of agree. I mean, who wants to read about the "life" of some person on the internet (if you actually had a life, you should go and live it instead of sitting around on the computer writing about it; man, I'm such a hypocrite) who may say they are an 18-year old female when really they're actually 14 years old... *cough cough* The only reason I started a blog though was because I have no life, and I desperately wanted something to do on the internet rather than go on Neopets all day long and watch illegal anime episodes on Youtube (not that there's any problem with that, no). Plus this is a good way to improve my typing skills. I guess. I dunno. I bet everyone that I will have dumped this blog by next month, maybe even earlier than that after my parents find out that I've been writing public online diaries instead of studying for midterms.

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